Do you know that India has a story about creating the world? According to this story, God first created the clam shell, followed by the eagle. Human beings have the right to choose one of the life of the hustle and bustle of the oysters and the life of the eager and eager eagle.

"This choice is simple!" You might say that. The answer of course is to blame the life of the eagle. But unexpected things have happened. Many people don't want the life of an eagle or the life of a clam. They want the advantages of the eagle's life, but they are not willing to pay a considerable price. So they found an animal that meets their requirements - the duck.

The duck and the eagle do have many similarities, just looking at the surface. But in reality, they are two very different animals.

If you know where to cut into the observations, you will soon recognize the ducks. Both animals will fly. But while the eagle hovered at high altitude, the ducks could only live close to the water.

One of the most striking features of a duck is its howling. It makes this call all day long. When I wake up in the morning, I scream, and I bark before feeding; other ducks steal its feed and it screams; if there is one thing that is not done, it will bark. Only high and no action - this is a very bad method.

Now let's take a look at some of the conditions that will give us a clearer picture of the duck's personality.

When you live in a hotel, do you have experience of using breakfast 15 minutes later than the specified time? If you meet a duck at this time, he will say, "I am sorry, you are late. Didn't you see the time outside the signboard? Breakfast time is only 10 o'clock in the morning. Bala Bala~~~

On the contrary, the eagle must ask: "It is a pity that the self-service meal has been collected. Can I ask the kitchen to do something quickly? What do you want to eat?"

A few months ago, I stayed at the Atlanta Hotel. I have a reservation and confirmation of the hotel in my hand. When I arrived, the hotel was full. The lady at the reception told me that my reservation was invalid because the hotel was full. When she finished, she let me continue to stand. I ask for my rights. The lady said, "If the hotel is full, it will be full, and I can't change a room for you, Bala Bala~~~" The next lady stopped paying attention to me.

"Oh," I thought, "a duck." Then I asked to see her boss. She was very upset and said: "He will not say anything different." She said as she was about to disappear behind the door. This door must be a duck pond, she will definitely come out with another duck. I asked her to bring me only the "eagle". "What?" She wants to know what I asked. I explained to her: "Please bring the person who solves the problem comes? She understood.

Later, the manager came forward and he was really an eagle. He said: "We are really full here. It must be that our homework is negligent. I have to apologize to you for this. I will try to solve this problem as soon as possible. I will call you to find a suitable hotel. It is of course our responsibility for the transportation expenses of this hotel. Can I ask for a dinner before I find it?"

Do you recognize the eagle? The eagle will do things, and the ducks will only lick. The contents of the ducks are nothing more than reasons, excuses, meaningless words and complaints. One day, the duck will be fired. If the company has problems, they must be the first to be cut. Then they will say, "It’s not fair, I think my boss has a prejudice against me."

On the contrary, the eagle will get support. One very important thing, we should not be like a duck, not making a result, only screaming. We want to avoid the presence of ducks within the company, within the department, and within the group. Some people think that we can also give the duck a little power. But do you know what the result is? At most, it is a powerless duck.

Here I list some of the differences between ducks and hawks:

1. The duck said, "I can't do this." The eagle will ask, "How can I do it?"
2. The duck is a pessimist; the eagle is an optimist.
3. The ducks talked about each other's negative results, and even opened a duck meeting for this matter; the eagle mostly reported positive results.
4. Ducks don't have to do anything, they don't even do it once; the eagle will fly a few more. They pay more than they ask.
5. Ducks work slowly. Their criteria are: "I came to work, not to escape." The eagle is "to do everything as soon as possible."
6. Duck light is a mouth that will say, it is first-class to find excuses to do things. The eagle always learns and works hard.
7. The duck will find an excuse, the eagle will find a solution.
8. Ducks don't dare to take risks. The eagle will also fear, but they still do it. The eagle is very courageous.
9. The duck finds problems in every opportunity; the eagle sees opportunities in every question.
10. Ducks gossip behind the people, they want to be happy to do so; the eagle only talks about positive things, otherwise they remain silent.
11. The duck takes a long time to make a decision, but there is no heat for three minutes; the eagle is acting, because he is very confident in himself.
12. The duck puts the spirit on the problem, and only talks emptyly; the eagle puts time on the solution and will practice it.
13. Ducks will hate; the eagle knows forgiveness.

14. Ducks and others feed, if the feed is not enough, he will yell, the eagle knows how to be responsible, he only takes what is needed.
15. The duck loves what he has, the eagle manages to get what he loves.
16. The duck was so excited when there was a small thing, and thought it was good, the eagle would not do such a ridiculous thing.
17. There is only one small pond in the life circle of the duck; the eagle can climb the peak.
18. The duck blames the unsatisfactory thing, the eagle changes things that are not satisfactory.