Cauliflower has a strong positive effect on the body. Whether it is about the body's detox system, high cholesterol, or any vitamin deficiency-related issues, broccoli is one of the vegetables you can eat. 10 benefits of making you fall in love with cauliflower ...

Benefit 1: Prevent cancer

Cauliflower helps prevent cancer. Researchers have found that the compound gene p53, found in cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables, is known as a tumor suppressor gene and protects healthy cells from cancer.
Cauliflower is not only targeted at one type of cancer, but a chemical called indole-3-methanol also helps reduce the risk of breast, cervical and prostate cancer.

Benefit 2: strengthen bones

As we age, our bones become weaker.
Weak bones. Eat more cauliflower. It can help your bones recover.
Cauliflower actually contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin K and phosphorus. These elements can help prevent bone-related diseases and keep bones strong. Foods rich in vitamin K can reduce the risk of fracture in some people.

Benefit 3: weight control

Eating vegetables has long been considered a miracle in losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. All weight-loss meals must have vegetables, and broccoli is also a regular in vegetable salads.
There are two main reasons to choose cauliflower as a food for weight loss. Cauliflower is rich in fiber and can make you full. Second, it's really low in calories, making it one of the best vegetables for weight problems.
In addition, cauliflower contains rare nutrients such as gluconate and dextran, which help eliminate toxins stored in the body.

Benefit 4: treating and preventing anemia

Eating cauliflower is good for anyone who has anemia.
Cauliflower is rich in iron and folic acid, so it is one of the best foods and it also prevents anemia.
Cauliflower is also rich in vitamin C, which can help the body absorb iron. At the same time, it can increase the level of hemoglobin, which is very beneficial for those who lack iron.

Benefit 5: Prevent arthritis

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, which blocks enzymes associated with joint deterioration and hinders inflammation. Vitamin K can also slow the development of osteoarthritis.

Benefit 6: protect the heart

Adding cauliflower to your daily diet can protect your heart. Cauliflower has a unique chemical that provides energy to the mitochondria in our cells and helps us stay away from cancer and heart disease.

Benefit 7: protect your eyes

Cauliflower contains lutein and carotenoids. Both antioxidants help inhibit cataracts and macular degeneration and protect the retina and vision.

Benefit 8: Prevention of chronic diseases

For people with kidney disease, cauliflower is a suitable food. Because it is rich in flavonoids, and flavonoids are considered to be the best vascular cleansers, they can prevent and help treat various chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and diabetes.

Benefit 9: Protects skin from aging

Cauliflower is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which helps reduce and prevent skin damage, which includes pigmentation and long wrinkles; quercetin is also a natural anti-inflammatory agent that fights aging; vitamin B and vitamin E, can bring a healthy glow to the skin.

Benefit 10: Improve immunity

To keep your body healthy and strong, your immune system needs to be at its best. According to research, broccoli may help boost the immune system. Because it contains trace minerals, beta-carotene and zinc and other nutrients. These nutrients are essential to your immune system and they can really help you prevent a cold.
In addition, cauliflower is also rich in ascorbic acid, which helps detoxify the liver and helps people who need to improve their immunity.

Notes on eating cauliflower:

Although the broccoli is really good, it is not enough to eat it every day, eat two or three times a week.
In addition, the flower buds of cauliflower can easily hide vegetable bugs, so it takes several steps to clean it at an early stage.
Soak the whole cauliflower with salt water and soak it for 15-20 minutes;
Then cut the cauliflower into small pieces and rinse it with brine;
Finally, rinse with water to start cooking.
This will not only drive away vegetable bugs and remove pesticides, but also preserve the freshness and nutrition of cauliflower.