When there is a problem with the liver, especially hepatitis is obtained. The following four phenomena cannot have any frequent recurrence.

1, the upper right abdomen is stuffy
2, right back pain
3, the right shoulder feels sour. Hemp. Pain, and even the right shoulder can not lift
4, the calf is easy to cramp when sleeping at night

What happens to our body when there is a problem with the liver:

The liver, like a fist, has a positive side. If the front side of the back is hardened and swollen, it will squeeze into our intercostal nerves. The intercostal nerves will swell; if it is behind, it will cause a sore right back.

The muscles of the whole body are all supervised by the liver. In the evening, the blood must enter the liver. If the liver has problems, it will be more difficult for the blood to enter the liver, so it can't fall asleep. The blood is so easy to enter the liver, and it is relatively difficult to go out. Need blood to nourish, people need to move after sleeping and turning over, the blood needs to be provided, the blood is not easy to come out of the liver, the tendons will be stiff, and the stiffness will cramp.

-The liver is not good, the quality of sleep at night will be bad, it is not easy to fall asleep.
-After getting up, dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath, bleeding gums when brushing your teeth.
-Usually there is no interest in food, no food is not hungry, and a little bit of eating will be full.
-Walking a two-step calf will be very sour, and you will feel more and more tired, and your hands and feet will become less and less powerful.
-People with bad livers will often twist their feet and twist them.
-Inadvertently cut, the wound is not easy to heal.
-Friends who drink often, suddenly the amount of alcohol has decreased.
-Or there is a long-lasting skin disease, and it will not be able to go back and forth.