No matter how old or young, no matter how many people can live longer than the average person, and even the body does not have pain, it is always curious.

It doesn't matter if you lack high-quality genes. As long as you practice long-lived diet and lifestyle, you also have the opportunity to stay young.

No matter how old or young, no matter how many people can live longer than the average person, and even the body does not have pain, it is always curious.

Some people think that it is a natural gene, otherwise why smoke and drink, like oily, high-cholesterol food, to the old can not get sick and longevity.

However, not everyone is lucky, and they can live a long life without having to actively manage their health. If there is no good gene, how to live, how to eat can live longer?

Modern medicine and scientific research slowly find possible answers. The secret of longevity is not simple. It is not the elixir of the ancient Chinese Taoist cultivation, nor the spring of youth that Alexander the Great is looking for. It may be a good quality gene + correct. Diet + activity + positive optimism + good living environment + ..., there are many other reasons not found.

But what's exciting is that if the lifestyle is correct, we may live 10 or 20 years more, even if you don't want to live for so long, but at least the secret of these longevity can help you get into old age, no sickness, own Satisfactory quality of life.

Start with your daily diet! This is always the topic that everyone is most interested in, and it is also the easiest to practice. We often ask healthy people: "What do you usually eat?" Then he eats like him, hoping to make himself healthier.

Medical researchers are just as curious as they do research in the lab and visit Changshou Village, the world's largest gathering of hundreds of people, trying to find out what kind of food content and methods can make people live longer.

Eat less and live longer

Studies in recent years have found that longevity and health can be achieved by eating less.

Whether it is experimental mice, dogs, or primates closest to humans, the same conclusion is reached - animals that limit their intake of diet (reducing calorie intake) live longer than unrestricted animals.

For many years, he is betting on Phillips in anti-aging medicine research. Dr. Miller, in his book "Really Not Old," pointed out that limiting calories can reduce oxidative damage and inflammatory reactions caused by free radicals in the body, and blood fat is also low, thus preventing aging and preventing diseases. occur.

Out of the lab, researchers have seen from the world-famous Longevity Island, Okinawa residents, that lower intake of calories can really delay aging.

An "Okinawa Renrui Research" jointly conducted by American and Japanese medical experts found that elderly people who live long-lived in Okinawa consume 20% less calories per day than Japan, 40% less than Americans. They convert only 1200-1300 per day. Card food.

You can reduce the amount of calories you consume every day, even if you start at 60, it’s not too late, because animal studies have found that mice that eat only 70% of the average mouse eat a little longer, even if they let the mice live in their later years. Only when you start to control heat can you still extend your life. Then continue to do similar research on monkeys, the conclusion is still the same.

Eat more food, the longer you eat

Although Okinawa's elderly people eat less, they consume a lot of foods, an average of 18 kinds a day, mainly containing a large variety of vegetables (often more than 20 kinds of food), beans, soy products, whole grains And fish, seafood, seaweed, and a small amount of pork, poultry and dairy products, almost all foods with low calories and low fat, but good nutritional quality.

They hardly eat empty calorie foods that are not nutritious, such as sugary drinks and sweets. And non-natural or over-processed foods won't appear on their plates. Therefore, even if they have less food intake, they can maintain a balanced diet.

Taking protein from fish and plant foods

Unlike people living in modern and affluent places, the main source of protein is meat, especially a large amount of red meat. The centenarians rarely eat meat. They mainly ingest foods such as fish, seafood, and soybeans and beans. protein.

Taiwan’s outlying island of Kinmen, the average life of residents is 2 years older than Taiwan, and it is the highest proportion of the country’s 100-year-old. The diet of the elderly is mainly sweet potatoes, pumpkins and a large number of vegetables. They eat meat and seafood on the island.

Old people in Okinawa also eat very little meat. Although they eat pork, they only account for about 3% of the overall diet. The main source of protein is fish, and a large number of soy products, which together account for 23%.

There are a group of Seventh-day Adventist church members in California who have a longer life expectancy than Americans. They are less likely to worry because they have devout faith. They eat simply, are vegetarians who do not eat meat, and are made of nuts and beans. To take in protein.

Eating rough cockroaches is not afraid of fat

Old people in Okinawa also eat a lot of rice pasta, more than 6 times a day, accounting for one-third of the overall diet. In addition to white rice, they also eat a lot of unrefined whole mites, such as Joe's noodles.

Phillips. Dr. Miller pointed out that sugars and refined carbohydrates (white rice, white noodles, white toast, etc.) are quickly digested and absorbed, and then suddenly raise blood sugar, prompting the release of insulin and removing sugar from the blood.

The more these refined carbohydrates are eaten, the more insulin will be released, and the insulin will turn too much sugar into fat, which is stored in the body and causes obesity.

Moreover, hyperglycemia can worsen the body's inflammatory response and saccharification process, destroy the immune response, promote disease, and also inhibit the release of growth hormone, thus accelerating the aging process.

Conversely, whole-grain or multigrain bread, whole-grain noodles, or brown rice, grain rice, etc. made from whole grains are far healthier than refined foods, because whole grains contain a lot of fiber, which slows the rise of blood sugar. The speed, the energy provided is relatively long-lasting, and will not cause blood sugar to go up and down. And whole grain foods retain more vitamins and are more nutritious than refined carbohydrates.

Based on the conclusions of the research so far, and the 100-year-old person, you are advised to put 10 categories of longevity food into the daily menu, and the experts also tell you that busy people can eat a variety of methods every day, even if they often eat.

How to fast food is safe?

Fasting to reduce calorie intake, such as not eating anything in a short period of time, drinking only water, or eating a very small amount, is it also healthy?

"Really not old" author Phillips. Dr. Miller pointed out that scientists have found that taking intermittent fasting, that is, eating and drinking normally, and then fasting every other day, so alternately, several times a week, the health benefits and long-term adoption limit heat The diet is the same. Rats fasting the next day age very slowly and have a longer life than mice without heat control.

And he believes that for most people, a 24-hour fasting, several times a week, is much more practical than daily reductions, and it is easy to continue.

But is this fasting method safe?

Experts believe that the fasting method is only suitable for most healthy people, and the time of one time should not be too long. One to two days is a safer range. However, people with any disease problems in their bodies should not rush to fast.

Furthermore, fasting is not completely absent or not. On the contrary, adequate intake of water is important.

Zhao Qiang, head of nutrition at the Taipei Ma Rong Hospital, suggested that the same amount of juice can be used on the day of fasting, and the slag can be taken together, or a small amount of nuts can be added together. This improved version of the fasting method can also reduce calorie intake, but Also get basic vitamins, minerals and healthy oils and other nutrients.

Another smaller version of the improved version of fasting is a very low-calorie diet, which is 700 to 800 calories per day, which is more than half the calories of the average diet.

In such a low-calorie situation, it is not easy to take care of nutrition. Wu Wanying, the nutrition leader of the Yonghe Branch of the Gengyi Hospital, suggested that it is possible to use the whole-nutritional formula (similar to meal replacement food) sold in the market, the calorie of each meal is about 200~ 250 calories, low calorie, but balanced nutrition. If it is only short-term, such as 1-2 days on weekends to give up the food, instead of replacing it with this product, there is no strong sense of deprivation, it is easy to continue, especially for people who control weight, it is a feasible method.

Eat less, live for a long time
Breakfast is not reduced
Breakfast is a day of energy, eating a hearty and nutritious breakfast helps to learn and work efficiently, and maintain a healthy weight, so nutrition experts recommend that breakfast should not be reduced or skipped.

A good breakfast needs to include 0.5 to 1 bowl of carbohydrates (such as 1 to 2 bowls of porridge, 2 to 4 pieces of whole wheat toast) +1 part of protein (such as a tea egg, half a palm-sized piece of meat) + 1 cup of milk or Soy milk.

Reduce carbohydrate and animal protein intake for lunch and dinner

Wu Wanying, head of nutrition at Yonghe Branch of Gengyi Hospital, pointed out that people who usually eat a bowl of rice at a meal should eat seven or four bowls of rice. The sweet roots, such as sweet potato, taro, yam, and pumpkin, are also carbohydrates. Therefore, if you eat roasted sweet potatoes in the afternoon tea time, "eat a few bites of sweet potatoes, and eat a few meals for dinner." Wu Wanying Provide a simple change algorithm.

The protein is reduced to one meal, and it is recommended to use plant protein, such as a piece of tofu, or more beans.

The intake of vegetables and fruits remains unchanged, with at least 3 kinds of vegetables and 2 kinds of fruits per day.

If you are not used to calorie reduction at the beginning and feel hungry, it is recommended to increase the intake of vegetables, because the calories of vegetables are very low, a bowl of about 30 calories, and rich fiber can bring satiety.

Eat slowly and chew

The study found that if a meal is eaten for more than 20 minutes, the brain will receive a "satisfied" message, no longer feeling hungry and eating all the time, helping to control appetite.