Hepatitis is one of the leading causes of liver cancer. The census report showed that 38% of the history of hepatitis over 2 years accounted for 24%, and less than one year accounted for 24.7%. Among the sick people, due to neglect of minor illnesses, they went to the hospital for examinations when they were really uncomfortable. It was found that 54.8% had liver disease, and 8% had regular liver health examinations.

"Clinically, many patients with liver cirrhosis are caused by neglecting liver disease treatment." Experts from the Zhengzhou University of China Liver Diseases Hospital in China said that liver disease patients often think that the symptoms are asymptomatic and not serious, neglect the treatment, or just take some liver-protecting and liver-protecting drugs. When the disease was allowed to progress to advanced liver cirrhosis, it was too late to regret it. Some patients are in desperate illness and are seeking medical treatment. They are convinced that the prescriptions and secret recipes delay the treatment and worsen the condition. Doctors suggest that high-risk groups should be checked regularly, and early diagnosis and treatment are appropriate.

2. Chronic ulcerative diseases
Mouth ulcers and stomach ulcers are very common, and people often ignore these "minor illnesses". Chronic ulcers can become cancerous if they persist. General oral ulcers can be cured in 7-10 days after proper treatment, but if the same ulcer is not good for a few weeks or a month, it may be closely related to oral cancer.

Gastric pain caused by gastric ulcers requires a course of treatment for gastric ulcers, and then an endoscopic review is performed to understand the outcome of the ulcers and further relieve the possibility of gastric cancer or ulcerative canceration. However, some patients with gastric ulcers have taken stomach-protecting anti-inflammatory drugs and discontinued the treatment if they do not have pain. This will affect the treatment effect and therefore increase the chance of canceration.

People ignore obesity, nervousness, colds, mumps and other minor illnesses that cause high blood sugar, cause diabetes, and eventually become cancer.

Studies have shown that the carcinogenic rate of diabetic patients is higher than that of non-diabetic patients, and prominent cancers include endometrial cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Experts say that people only know that diabetes is divided into type 1 and type 2, but they do not know that there is a type 3 diabetes, which is closely related to pancreatic cancer. When patients develop type 3 diabetes, pancreatic cancer often develops within a year or two. Because insulin in these patients promotes the growth of pancreatic cancer cells, blood glucose and free fatty acids also promote tumor cell proliferation.

4. Gastrointestinal polyps
Many polyps have evolved into gastrointestinal cancers, especially adenomatous colon polyps, which have a higher cancer rate.

Polyps include adenomatous polyps, inflammatory polyps, hyperplastic polyps, and missed polyps. The volume of adenoma polyps increases and the canceration rate also increases, with a total canceration rate of 10% to 20%. From the histopathological analysis, the tumorigenicity of tubular adenoma accounts for 5%, that of mixed adenomas accounts for 20%, and that of villous adenomas accounts for more than 50%. Therefore, once polyps are found, even small adenomas must be removed in time.

Surveys have shown that the incidence of colon cancer in patients with colon polyps is 3 to 5 times higher than the general population, and even 10 times higher. Experts point out that the carcinogenesis of gastrointestinal polyps is affected by many factors such as size, type, and number, and should be treated once diagnosed.

5.Cervical erosion
The investigation found that women with cervical erosion had a significantly higher incidence of cervical lesions than those without cervical erosion.

Some experts said: "Cervical cancer symptoms are similar to the clinical symptoms of cervical erosion, so it is easy to be ignored, and extra vigilance is needed." Some women found cervical erosion symptoms during gynecological examinations and thought they were cervical erosion and took it lightly, but did not know it Early cervical cancer symptoms neglected to be diagnosed through further cytology and biopsy and delayed treatment.

6, breast cystic hyperplasia
Early breast hyperplasia is simple hyperplasia, and late-stage is cystic hyperplasia. Experts at home and abroad have recognized that breast cystic hyperplasia can become cancerous. Pathology has proven that 20% to 60% of breast cancers are complicated by cystic hyperplasia. The study found that the heavier the cystic hyperplasia, the closer the cell's ultramicroscopy is to cancer cells.

According to statistics, in cases where adenoma-like hyperplasia does not heal for a long time, about 20% can be malignant. Women with cystic breast hyperplasia are four times more likely to develop breast cancer than healthy people. Therefore, patients with breast cystic hyperplasia should be checked regularly in order to detect cancer early.

7.Thyroid nodules
How far is the thyroid nodule from thyroid cancer? A surgeon of breast and nail surgery at the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China said that the causes of thyroid nodules are diverse and have the following three characteristics: 1. Most thyroid nodules are benign; 2. Malignant thyroid nodules are mostly thyroid cancer; Thyroid nodules are likely to become cancerous. The chance of cancer is about 1% -10%.

The occurrence of thyroid nodules is related to the history of neck radiation exposure, age, and sex. Statistics show that the incidence of thyroid nodules in women is four times higher than that in men.

Multiple thyroid nodules are mostly benign, and a single thyroid nodule is mostly malignant. If a thyroid mass is found, you should go to the hospital for a diagnosis.