"Nutrition, what should I do? In my test report, the uric acid is very high. The doctor said, "You have eaten too well!" So I came to you to find a solution!"

Many people think that uric acid in the blood is too high or gout is caused by eating and drinking, so the diet must be strictly controlled.

Weight loss control of one to two kilograms per month

Indeed, people who often drink big fish and drink big mouth are prone to rise in blood uric acid concentration, which induces or aggravates the onset of gout! However, "strictly controlling diet" is not a cure. Instead, it may cause malnutrition due to a wrong diet, and cause a rapid decline in body weight. The body's endogenous prion is released in large quantities, making gout more serious. If weight reduction is required, the speed of weight loss should preferably be reduced by one to two kilograms per month.

In the diet, because alcohol can seriously affect the discharge of uric acid, it is necessary to remove "alcohol" first, including various concentrations of alcoholic beverages, as well as dishes cooked with alcohol.

Some people mistakenly thought that if you add a shochu or mutton stove, you can get rid of the alcohol by just ordering a fire or cooking it for a long time. In fact, after adding the wine for a long time, it can still leave 5% alcohol. The short-time cooking can leave 10% to 50% alcohol, and the cooking food can be up to 75%. alcohol!

Secondly, because high amounts of oil can interfere with the elimination of uric acid, it is necessary to reduce the amount of oil in the food, including food or cooking oil. Therefore, fat, animal skin, as well as fried, fried, and high-fat meat processed foods, Chinese and Western dim sum, such as various types of hot pot dumplings, pills, moon cakes, cakes, etc., should be restricted.

Because the food in the food will dissolve into the soup, so be sure to avoid the stewed soup, especially the materials, after a long time boiled soup, hot pot soup or chicken essence, no matter the sputum, vegetarian, can not drink However, the vegetables or fresh meats can be eaten in moderation.

Develop good eating habits

When choosing food, avoid foods and parts with high vitality (metabolism), such as whole seeds, germination parts of plants and internal organs, which are high-purity foods and should be avoided.

For the "beans" category, please remember: usually the words "beans" written in the last word, do not eat, such as soybeans, red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, sensitive beans, etc.; if the word "beans" written in the first word of soybeans Products, because of the grinding and filtering process, most of the Prin has been discarded with the bean dregs, can be eaten as meat, such as soy milk, tofu, dried beans, bean bags and so on.

In the absence of liver and kidney dysfunction, the intake of meat, fish, beans, eggs, and milk foods should be limited to about one per 10 kilograms of body weight per day (as shown in the table), for example, weight 60 kg per You can eat 6 servings of this kind of food on the day, and use low-fat parts to avoid eating skin and fat, and not fry.

In addition, drink at least 2000 siciful water per day, so that uric acid can be discharged normally. If you sweat often or work in an air-conditioned room, you need more water.

In fact, gout can be controlled, just like using credit card swabs to control consumption, develop good consumption (diet) habits, not overdraft credit (metabolism) quota, even overdraft, with modest savings (control diet) as a means It is also able to pay off debts quickly.

(The author is a dietitian at the Ma Rong Memorial Hospital in Taipei)