What most people seem to believe about chilli peppers is that they are spicy, mouth burning, flavour creators of passion! When you ask, most people say, "it's just a little spicy red thing".

It's pretty obvious chillies are ultimate flavour enhancers. However, most people are unaware that these peppers have amazing, super powered health benefits!

It seems that not only are you able give your food a flavour hit, but it helps you with weight loss. So if you're keen to "drop a few", make sure to include chilli peppers into your diet plan! This is a good way to boost your metabolism.

According to studies published in Cancer Research (2006), chillies can actually help lower the risk of prostate cancer. This is due to their ability to kill off cancer cells, while causing no harm to others. Another positive outcome is that as a treatment it shows that chilli peppers also reduce the growth of cancer cells.

Diabetes. A word most unpleasant! However, have no fear the chilli pepper is here! Thanks to compounds within the pepper, they immensely lower your risk of developing diabetes. Wow that's so amazing!

Looks like it's time to man up and eat some more chilli. According to random studies, chopped up chillies have the positive health benefits of increasing your immune system's ability to function. How cool is that? Having some sinus problems? No problem! Get your chilli cayenne pepper out and mix it in with that chicken soup! Instant unblocked nose!

Ever heard of a little vitamin called "Vitamin C"? Of course you have! So has "Chilli". Did you know that chilli peppers have more than double the amount of vitamin C than a tall glass of good old OJ? In addition, a good amount of vitamins A and B are also found within these little peppers!

A few simple ways to include these little miracle workers into your diet are, blending them into smoothies, having them soak in cooking oil to create chilli oil and to just eat them plain and simple! If you have trouble deciding which chilli is the right one for you. Don't worry there are heaps to choose from. It's said that green coloured chillies are not as hot as red and orange ones. Also be sure to keep your eye on the little ones. Yes, they sure are the most hot and furious of them all!

My passion has always been spicy foods. Later on in life I came to the conclusion that chillies were what made me love all foods. Hence forth I have been working hard to create information and value for people who don't know about the amazing powers of chilli peppers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9314921